Why should I buy a Pre-owned Hemodialysis Machine?

Same level of technology and Low cost of acquisition are two biggest reasons. Today the Hemodialysis Machines available in pre-owned market like Fresenius, Baxter, Althin etc. are of same technology levels currently sold by gobally well-known OEMs. Low cost of Purchase means lower monthly repayment burdens leading to higher profits for you. A “Break even Chart” can be had from us as a comparison which shows that you need less than XXX patients a week to break even on a Baxter 550 . Statistics show that today more than 75% of buyers in India are opting for pre-owned Hemodialysis Machines.

What precautions I should take before buying a Pre-Owned Hemodialysis Machine ?

Following precautions should be considered seriously before buying a pre-owned Hemodialysis Machine
Choice of System: The particular model you wish to purchase should have proven its market worthiness.
Service Strengths of the Seller: Check how many In-house qualified engineers the company has. The experience and exposure in repairing Systems is of utmost importance. Your Service provider cannot say I can solve 90% of the problem. It has to be 100%. Second important parameter is the number of engineers and proximity to your place.
Availability of Parts: Check and see relevant parts availability of the particular model you are buying with Seller. Ask him to provide a list, if possible.
Installed Base of Seller: Take reference list of Customers to whom the seller has sold. He should not include in the list the customers just known to him or where he is just providing Service. Do a background check of the Seller.
Industry Experience: This industry is knowledge based and success largely dependent on skills acquired over a period of time. Check how long the company has been in business. Half of the startups wind up their operations or shift their focus to other products within a year or two of starting.
Credentials of Company : Check the infrastructure and credentials of company like like Office, Warehouse, tie-up with OEMS, Bankers, Service Tax Number etc. Most pre-owned equipment sellers today operate without a Sales Tax Number. Without a Sales Tax Number, they can have “No Stock” and cannot do any billing for your needs.
Negative Marketing: Because of Increased competition and Difficult market conditions, most small time players resort to “Negative Marketing”. Instead of stating their Product & Service Strengths, they harp on competitors issues. Take that as a Red Signal and check up before believing their words.

Why should I choose “PBS” as my preferred buyer ?

Top Services : PBS is a “Super Specialist” when it comes to repairs and maintenance of Hemodialysis Equipments. We consider ourselves Second only to the respective OEMs. There are numerable instances where freelance engineers have requested help and we have lived up to their expectations. So if you are looking for Best Services on Hemodialysis Machines, count on us.
Highest Experience : With over 200 Hemodialysis Machine installations and over 15 years experience in Pre-owned Dialysis industry, we know things inside-out, not just on technical but on commercial & operations side too. With 3 dedicated personnel in operations alone, we serve you better than anyone else.
Best Inventory : We have huge inventory of “Spares” of Dialysis Machines that we service. By industry estimates, we probably have the biggest spare parts inventory on Hemodialysis Machines.
Most Organised : With all Govt. registrations and licenses including Sales Tax Number, Service Tax Number, etc. we are the most organized company in the Pre-owned market in India. With all inventory on Computer and Bar-Coded with Security Holograms, we are looking to ISO 9000 certifications in the near future.

Why does ” PBS ” deals only with Hemodialysis Machines whereas others vendors sell CT Scanner, MRI, Mammography equipments?

As said before, we have branded ourselves as sellers and service providers of only Hemodialysis Machines and are consistently updating our Knowledge base to maintain this “SUPER SPECIALISTS” tag.
It is very easy to sell a variety of systems but increasingly complex to keep parts for multiple products and to achieve technical Perfection on all of them.
Instead of “Jack of All”, we prefer to be “MASTER OF ONE”.

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